Where is the DISSTUD Distance Education System used?

For educational organizations of any level

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Where the Distance Education System "DESTUD" is used?

DESSTUD Distance Education System
    The "DESSTUD" - Distance Education System was developed for educational projects of all levels and formats, and is aimed at reaching any audience.
    The system has passed practical, long-term testing in educational organizations and takes into account all the nuances and needs of a multi-purpose audience.

Who uses the Distance Education System "DESTUD"?

DESSTUD Distance Education System
   The system covers the entire range of issues in the organization, management and conduct of educational processes, including control and individual adjustment.
   The system is intended for use by: teachers, students, psychologists, methodologists, parents of students, administrators, financiers and boards of trustees of educational organizations.

How is the DESTUD distance education system used?

DESSTUD Distance Education System
   DES "DESSTUD" includes an exhaustive tool kit and allows you to create, post, conduct e-lessons, as well as conduct in-depth analysis and control of behavioral factors, without using third-party programs and resources.


   The system is simple and intuitive to use, localized in 28 languages of the world and can be accessed from anywhere in the world, it is enough to have the Internet.

DES "DISSTUD" allows you to carry out the
classical learning process,

   DES "DISSTUD" It is an electronic Internet platform that provides the processes of organizing and conducting distance learning in a remote format.

   The experience of learning management has shown the success of the e-lesson format, easy provision and organization of its conduct, accounting for data on the involvement of teachers and students, transparency of the organization of the learning process.

   The platform provides electronic educational processes, removes a large layer of managerial, audit and other organizational problems, bringing harmony and objectivity to the educational process.

   Easy to learn and use, high load resistance, allows you to enter the process in a short time, an indefinitely large number of users of different ages, categories and educational level.

   The use of an electronic platform allows you to flexibly build the learning process according to a calendar and thematic plan, for any educational organization. It allows you to build individual curricula for the group and each student.

   The platform effectively supports the activities of both the organizers of individual author's courses, as well as institutions of primary, secondary school, vocational and higher education.

  The teacher can create and conduct a detailed, author's lesson without resorting to third-party services and programs, using only the tools and capabilities of the platform.

  Using the materials presented on the platform, a student can master educational programs with the direct support of a teacher or completely independently.

 Psychologists and methodologists have the opportunity to offer teachers an individual approach to each student.

 The parent can monitor the child's academic performance. To see the general and particular problems of the child in learning, in the immediate points of stumbling, to help in the development of the material. Has the opportunity to respond immediately to the child's learning process, participate in the common affairs of the school and teams.

 For administrators of educational processes, to organize and manage educational processes, to monitor the educational process. To determine the level of involvement of each student and the dynamics of his academic performance, to determine the quality of teacher teaching, to make decisions on the management of the educational process.

 The use of the electronic platform by educational institutions provides an opportunity for the administrative body to understand the essence of particular problems, as well as to monitor and control the accepted general performance indicators of educational institutions and their teams.

Learning opportunities at DES "DISSTAD"

    An electronic lesson on DES "DISSTAD" is focused on a complete simulation of an offline lesson, it is a set of tools selected in accordance with the topic of the lesson, study assignments and the permissible load on the student.
    The lesson tools allow you to repeat the pedagogical techniques used by the teacher in an offline lesson. The teacher expands the possibilities in terms of ways to bring learning tasks and reach more students with close attention.
    We will give some examples of how knowledge can be taught on the system.

In the lesson, you can conduct and perform:


     Dictation is a type of teaching correct writing to consolidate the skills and test the knowledge of students when learning a language.
     Dictation is a type of written work in which the teacher dictates the text. And students write based on their previous writing skills. The teacher dictates the text in accordance with the pronunciation norms of the language.
     The whole text is read expressively, slowly. Students listen to it, understanding the content. Then the text is read in separate sentences.
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Retelling of a text

Retelling of a text
     An exposition is a retelling of a text (oral or written), presented in the form of an educational work for the development of students' speech, the formation and consolidation of stylistic construction and spelling skills.
     The presentation covers a number of both oral and written exercises, which in complexity are both verbatim retellings of small texts, and a brief transfer of the essence of the whole work.
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Tasks with detailed answers

Retelling of a text
     These are test tasks for which the test taker must write down the answer in the form of one or more sentences or formulas. The correctness of the answers to these tasks is checked with the help of experts. Tasks with a detailed answer are divided into two types: with a detailed limited answer, when there are exact response criteria and the content of the answer is known, and essay tasks, when the content of the answer is unknown in advance.
     When checking the answer, you can evaluate the ability to apply the rules in a changed or new situation, choose the best solution, and correctly present your solution.
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The handwritten solution to the task

The handwritten solution to the task
     The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness of pupils for school education. Among the many types of educational activities of a novice student, mastering the writing skill is the most difficult. The success of his further education at school depends on how well a child learns to write, since it is writing disorders that usually become the main causes of the failure of younger students.
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Audio or voice solution of the task

Audio or voice solution of the task
     An educational oral response is a form of active student participation in the learning process, in which he verbally answers questions from a teacher or presents his knowledge and research on a specific topic. It is one of the main tools for assessing a student's knowledge and skills.
     Detailed oral utterance is the basis for the development of students' oral speech, which should be worked on regularly and most carefully, since communication is the basis for successful educational activities of students.
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The solution of the task captured on video

The solution of the task captured on video
     Video has a number of advantages over text and images. However, do not forget that each communication format has its advantages and disadvantages, and the effectiveness of the chosen format depends on the goals and objectives of the training. Therefore, it is important to take into account the context and situation in which the video or text will be used, and choose the appropriate format in each case.
     Video allows you to convey more information in a short time, thanks to the ability to use sound and movement, which makes it more informative to check the answer to a task.
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Test tasks

Test tasks
     Training and control test tasks are becoming more important in the educational process. The task in the test form is a unit of control material varying in terms of content elements and difficulty, formulated in the affirmative form of a sentence with an unknown.
     Substituting the correct answer instead of an unknown component turns the task into a true statement. The substitution of an incorrect answer leads to the formation of a false statement, which indicates that the student does not know this educational material.
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Joint task solving with the teacher online

Joint task solving with the teacher online
     Educational cooperation is organized using various methods and techniques that simultaneously regulate the activities of participants. The most common ways of educational cooperation in solving educational tasks are discussion, discussion of a problematic issue. Dialogue and joint decision arise when logical reasoning, mutual analysis and mutual assessment of different points of view are required.
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Joint task solving by the whole group online

Joint task solving by the whole group online
     Educational cooperation with peers is a form of organizing educational interaction, a characteristic feature of which is the joint search by students for knowledge and methods of action necessary to solve this educational task. A group of students acts as a collective subject of educational activity, while carrying out such actions as joint acceptance of an educational task and search for ways to solve it, coordination by participants of joint actions and substantive exchange of methods of action, their mutual coordination; monitoring and evaluation of individual actions performed; modeling patterns (schemes) of the organization of joint activities, their transformation and the search for new forms and ways of interaction.
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Visual content in training

Visual content in training
     A video lecture is an educational material presented in video format and accompanied by an explanation of the material by the teacher. It is used for training in asynchronous format.
     The main value of video lectures is in providing students with the opportunity to independently manage their own educational process:
- choose a convenient time and place to study;
- use different devices;
- adjust the individual pace of studying the material.
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    We have indicated the simplest features of the DISSTAD system. The capabilities of the system are much broader than those that we have indicated. When creating the system, we focused on its use in real conditions, to solve real learning problems, wanting to give teachers and students the best ways to learn.
    The DISSTAD system was created and improved based on practical experience in educational organizations. We have seen all the subtleties of the educational process and the problems that arise during the training.
    We have solved not only the issues of conducting the educational process, but also its organization and support by administrators of educational institutions.

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